Place Videos on Dedicated Pages For Maximum Exposure

Last month Google updated its Video Best Practices help documentation saying that, to optimize for search, you should create a dedicated page for each video where the video is the most prominent subject on the page.

Here's the updated Help Google find your videos section with the change highlighted in yellow...

  • Make sure that each video is available on a public web page where users can watch the video. Make sure that the page isn't blocked by robots.txt or noindex robots meta tag; this ensures that Google can find and index your page.
  • To give your videos maximum exposure, create a dedicated page for each video, where the video is the most prominent subject on the page. Some features require that type of video page, including Key Moments, the Live Badge, and other rich result formats. It's fine to include the same video on both a dedicated page and its original page alongside other information, like a news article or a product detail page.

    a web page where the video is the prominent subject on the page
  • Include your video in an appropriate HTML tag. Google can more easily identify a video on your page when there's an HTML tag around it, for ex...