RIP Converted Clicks

Google AdWords will be retiring Converted Clicks in favor of the more inclusive Conversions. Converted clicks were AdWords' dated way to report whether an ad click was followed by ANY action on a site, only measuring the action taken after one event. The broader Conversions allow advertisers to track beyond one into multiple conversion events and multiple types of conversions allowing more targeted reporting.

If you're utilizing Converted Clicks for your reporting and bidding you have until September 21st to update your metrics. Google put together a migration tool that will be emailed out to AdWords accounts still needing to make the switch. When you update from Converted Clicks you'll be able to decide which actions will be reported under the new Conversions column and how many events will count. If you'd like to download your Converted Click reporting history it would be wise to get that done before the September 21st deadline. You can read Google's announcement here.
