A Professional SEO's Cheat Sheet for Building a Search Engine Friendly Web Site for 2010
The art of creating a highly optimized and search engine friendly site revolves delicately around three critically important factors:

- Creating content that search engines can easily crawl and index.
- Linking your site together so that PageRank flows correctly and is channeled to your most important pages.
- Placing your keywords in the proper locations on your page for optimal ranking effect.
Some sites get one or two of these correct, but it's rare to see the site which has mastered all three. And that's good news for you, because if you fully understand the art of creating a search engine friendly site then you've got a huge advantage over your competition. Get all these factors right and you'll be able to mow 'em down before they even see you coming.
So toss out your bug spray and let's hope you're not squeamish...we're going to get friendly with some spiders—search engine spiders, that is!
Crawlability: Get over your arachnophobia—spiders are your friends
Crawlability is just a fancy way of describing how easy it is for search engine spiders to download your pages, easily access your content, and find the rest of your pages based on how you've linked your site together.
It's very common for sites to put up roadblocks that stop these spiders in their tracks, shutting them out of important areas of a site. Put up a spider speed bump and you might see your page drop like a rock, completely out of the top rankings.
You want spiders to eagerly gobble up your pages and return to dine often, vigorously crawling all the corners of your site to make sure your pages get indexed and, just as importan...