Are articles worth using in a Post-Panda Google world?
Are articles worth using in a Post-Panda Google world?
- Thank you for your puplication. I read it over a few times, but it still was not totally clear to me regarding the March update on articles and article directories directories...were you saying that Google now considers all article directories link farms? Are quality handwritten articles no longer of value to get one way links?
Answer: As we stated in our SES March Updates, MOST article directories (in fact, we are hard pressed to name one that wasn't) were affected by the Content Farmer (Panda) update. On average, the main article sites were affected as follows and still have not fully recovered:
lost an average of 34 positions
lost an average of 31 positions
lost an average of 15 positions
lost an average of 29 positions
lost an average of 30 positions
lost an average of 22 positions
lost an average of 33 positions