Googlebot does NOT index Hover Links

In a recent Google Webmaster Central Hangout, Google's John Mueller addressed a question regarding Hover Links. The question was:

We've tested reversed links with JQuery, would this be considered cloaking. Since when the link is hovered over by a real visitor, the real link is revealed.

Mueller responded with:

What would happen in a case like that is that we would probably not pick up those links. Because GoogleBot isn't going to hover over every part of the page. It will pull out the page, render it once, like a browser, it is not going to interact with the page to see what is actually going to happen when you do physical things. If you need those links to be found by GoogleBot, then make sure we can find them when we load the page. If you just want to make them available for users, then sure, I think that might be an option. I think in most cases you wouldn't want to do this."

If John Mueller says no hover links, then so do we. To watch the conversation in its entirety, visit the following link and go to 35minutes and 30 seconds: Google Webmaster Central Hangout link.
