Webmaster Guidelines Gets New Guest Blogging Warning

If you're still leveraging Guest Blogging with low quality content to build links, even after all of our warnings, then here's another reason to give it up as a dead practice. Google has updated the Webmaster guidelines under the Little or no original content section to say that Google will take action against domains that are using low quality or scraped content to increase their rankings. The guidelines list the following types of content types to stay away from:

This most recent update to their guidelines was this snippet:

Content from other sources. For example: Scraped content or low-quality guest blog posts

This edit comes as no surprise, as Google has been putting the smack down on blog networks in the recent past. The best way to avoid a manual penalty is to be sure that whatever content you're putting on your site adds to the experience of the user. If you do find yourself with a penalty and need help untangling the mess we're here to help.
